Creating portrait illustrations is an amazing and enriching exercise for me. It enables me to connect with the humanity in each human being. I immerse myself in the universe of the person, and try to capture her/his essence, that which makes her/him unique and special.
So, when Espiritual Chef asked me to make the portrait illustrations of the guests of El Legado program, I thought it was a lovely and motivating project.
El Legado program (The legacy), started at the beginning of the pandemic, when we were all on lockdown at home. It went on for a year and a half more or less. In each program, Javier Medvedovsky, the founder of Espiritual Chef, used to interview a like-minded person, who somehow was an authority in fields such as holistic health, nutrition, spirituality, sustainable economy, art, agriculture…
El Legado program had to objectives: On the one hand, to reflect on what we were living as society at that moment and knowing the point of view of each one of the interviewees on the subject, and on the other hand, to share some piece of advice and useful tools to overcome the situation. One of the questions they were asked used to be “what would be your legacy for the next generations?” Hence the title of the program.
For this project I made 10 portrait illustrations, one for each of the first ten people who were interviewed. Amongst them, I made the portrait illustration of Joan Antoni Melé,
Lalita Salas, Josep Pamiès, Néstor Palmetti, VictorBrossa… With these portrait illustrations, Espiritual Chef wanted to capture and immortalise the essence of these influential people, and why they are considered to leave a positive impact on society.
The portraits always have a close, casual and cheerful accent. As far as technique is concerned, they are all hand painted in watercolours, gouache, coloured pencils and graphite.
Other people who also got interviewed were: Sergi Torres, Emilio Carrillo, Abuela Margarita, Joaquín Araujo, Elisabeth Silvestre, Valeria Lozano, Arturo Castillo, Karmelo Bizkarra…and many more. You can watch their full interview on Espiritual Chef Youtube channel.
And if you want to see more portrait illustrations, I kindly invite you to visit the portrait illustrations page on my site.