Put your feet on the ground

Mar 20, 2023 | Wellbeing | 0 comments

Do you know how good it is to walk barefoot in nature? I’ve been doing it for long out of intuition, but I recently came across a scientific publication stating its multiple 

Benefits. Some of them are:

-stress relief

-vitality and energy increase

-better mood 

Could this perhaps be the reason why most kids love walking barefoot? 

My 5 years old child is an expert on the subject. He very often walks barefoot at home and outside, on hot days and cold ones too. He doesn’t  even care if walks on the sand, over a path full of little stones or pebbles, or in the forest. 

It is also said that walking with your feet directly on earth diminishes chronic pain and body inflammation. It improves your sleep quality and blood pressure; It relieves hormonal and menstruation symptoms… And of course, it helps you take roots and connect with Mother Earth and with your essence. It is wonderful, and it is so amazingly easy!

So, now you know, next time you have the chance, put your feet on the earth and if you can, walk! 30 minutes a day can truly change your life.

If you want to learn more about this, you can have a look at the link I leave below. It is a very interesting article published on Ladera sur, an online platform specialised on nature, environmental preservation,  science, outdoor living…

And if you want to read other posts in my blog on wellbeing and health, have a look at the yoga and food, cooking and nutrition categories.  

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