Do you know how good it is to walk barefoot in nature? I’ve been doing it for long out of intuition, but I recently came across a scientific publication stating its multiple Benefits. Some of...

Portrait illustrations for El Legado Program
16 Feb, 2023 | Art and creativity
Creating portrait illustrations is an amazing and enriching exercise for me. It enables me to connect with the humanity in each human being. I immerse myself in the universe of the person, and try...
The 3Hs
9 Jan, 2023 | Art and creativity, Tutorials
In this post I share with you a super formula to succeed and stand out as an artist. It has to do with the 3 Hs, head, heart and hand. It made me think deeply about my skills, and become aware of my...
The tree yoga pose
19 Dec, 2022 | Yoga_en
Do you know what the tree yoga pose is useful for? It’s been over 15 years now that I practise yoga at home, and even if I am light-years away from considering myself any expert, I can assure...
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Put your feet on the ground
20 Mar, 2023 | Wellbeing
Do you know how good it is to walk barefoot in nature? I’ve been doing it for long out of intuition, but I recently came across a scientific publication stating its multiple Benefits. Some of...
Portrait illustrations for El Legado Program
16 Feb, 2023 | Art and creativity
Creating portrait illustrations is an amazing and enriching exercise for me. It enables me to connect with the humanity in each human being. I immerse myself in the universe of the person, and try...
The 3Hs
9 Jan, 2023 | Art and creativity, Tutorials
In this post I share with you a super formula to succeed and stand out as an artist. It has to do with the 3 Hs, head, heart and hand. It made me think deeply about my skills, and become aware of my...
The tree yoga pose
19 Dec, 2022 | Yoga_en
Do you know what the tree yoga pose is useful for? It’s been over 15 years now that I practise yoga at home, and even if I am light-years away from considering myself any expert, I can assure...
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