Put your feet on the ground

Put your feet on the ground

Do you know how good it is to walk barefoot in nature? I’ve been doing it for long out of intuition, but I recently came across a scientific publication stating its multiple  Benefits. Some of...

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The 3Hs

The 3Hs

In this post I share with you a super formula to succeed and stand out as an artist. It has to do with the 3 Hs, head, heart and hand. It made me think deeply about my skills, and become aware of my...

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The tree yoga pose

The tree yoga pose

Do you know what the tree yoga pose is useful for?  It’s been over 15 years now that I practise yoga at home, and even if I am light-years away from considering myself any expert, I can assure...

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Put your feet on the ground

Put your feet on the ground

Do you know how good it is to walk barefoot in nature? I’ve been doing it for long out of intuition, but I recently came across a scientific publication stating its multiple  Benefits. Some of...

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The 3Hs

The 3Hs

In this post I share with you a super formula to succeed and stand out as an artist. It has to do with the 3 Hs, head, heart and hand. It made me think deeply about my skills, and become aware of my...

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The tree yoga pose

The tree yoga pose

Do you know what the tree yoga pose is useful for?  It’s been over 15 years now that I practise yoga at home, and even if I am light-years away from considering myself any expert, I can assure...

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